Kick Off the World Cup NFT Carnival with At Least 10000 USDT Prize Pool

The highly anticipated World Cup in Qatar has begun. In order to welcome the World Cup and enhance the sense of participation for all players, MetaElfLand will simultaneously kick off the World Cup Guessing Carnival on November 21, 2022. Players purchase tickets for the teams they support to join the guessing game, and obtain the following benefits:

*Share the champion prize pool (10000 USDT worth of MELT + 50% of all ticket sales)

*Players who buy tickets for the same team will share the dividends pool (30% of all ticket sales goes into the pool), whenever the number of players reaches a multiple of 10.

*Event adopts an invitation system. Players will get 10% of ticket sales to their invitees as the invitation bonus:

The rules of the guessing game will be automatically executed by smart contract to keep the event open, transparent and fair.

Rules of the World Cup Guess Game

[Event Date]

Hong Kong Time Nov 22, 2022 ~ Dec 18, 2022 (It will be closed before the World Cup Final.)

[Participation Process]

Click [World Cup] from the homepage of our official website:

The easiest way to login: Select TokenPocket BNB Chain Wallet; click [Discover] and input; enter the homepage and click [World Cup].

1. Bind the invitation connection and register with your wallet address.

Invitation bonus: 10% of the ticket sales directly awarded to the inviter.

2. The ticket price increases as the number of players buying tickets goes up.

Use Melt to buy tickets for teams you think will win the World Cup. Each team ticket price starts at 5000 Melt, and every ticket sold increases the price by 20 Melt.

Distribution of revenue from ticket sales: 10% for inviters; 50% for champion pool; 30% for team dividends pool; 10% for service charges.

USDT can be converted into Melt in the purchase interface.

3. Champion Prize Pool: 10,000 USDT worth of Melt as initial bonus+ 50% of all ticket sales

10,000 USDT worth of Melt as initial bonus from MetaElfLand, and 50% of all ticket sales will go to the champion prize pool.

On December 18, a lucky draw winner will be picked from the World Cup winners ticket holders. The winner will exclusively receive 10% of the champion prize pool as bonus!

For the 90% of the champion prize pool, smart contract will check the type of tickets and the number that all the addresses are holding, and according to the following formula to calculate the bonus for each address can be divided, address + amount of Melt available, are written into the smart contract for collection by users. The bonus service charge is deducted from the last ticket sales.

Dividend Formula:

single player weight = number of tickets held by player * number of invitations to other players

reward to player = total prize pool * (single player weight/sum of all player weights)

4. Team Dividends Pool: 30% of ticket sales

Depending on the number of tickets sold (a multiple of 10) , 30% of such ticket sales will be distributed to pre-purchase ticket users by contract. The bonus service charge is deducted from the last ticket sales.

Dividend Formula:

Each ticket held by player is weighted equally: individual dividend = total dividend * (number of tickets holding by individual/number of total tickets sold)

Join us and let's enjoy the World Cup. Good luck!

November 21, 2022

Team of MetaElfLand

MetaElfLand Community Channel๏ผš

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