TMT-Arena Walkthrough

After signing up for TMT, players can click the [ MetaElf List ] to view the various characteristics of MetaElves in this game, and start to build their own strongest lineups.

1. The MetaElf Star Level

¡ The base attribute value of a high-star MetaElf will be slightly higher than that of a low-star MetaElf. (about 10%)

2. MetaElf Attributes

¡ There is an attribute-restriction relationship between the different elements of MetaElves, which increases the damage on a MetaElf when it is restrained, and decreases the damage caused by a MetaElf when it is restrained.

¡ Restraint relationship: fire restrains nature; nature restrains water; water restrains fire; light and dark restrain each other, and the other three elements.

¡ If your opponent's lineup has a single element attribute, to make it easier to win the game, just try to choose MetaElves that restrain your opponent, .

¡ MetaElves attributes can be filtered in the upper right corner of the MetaElf list.

3. The MetaElf Type

(1) MetaElves are divided into three types: attack type, defensive type and auxiliary type.

-Attack type MetaElf has higher attack power and generally carry high damage skills. Its disadvantage is that its own survival ability is low, and it need other MetaElves for protection in order to play a role, or it may be killed before it can kill the others.

-Defensive type MetaElf is more resilient and usually carry control or counter-attack skills. Its disadvantage is its lack of output capacity and poor endgame skills.

-Auxiliary type MetaElf is faster and is usually the first MetaElf to take action. In general, the skills of an auxiliary type MetaElf are BUFF type, which can improve the abilities of other MetaElves. The downside is that BUFF type skills are susceptible to silencing, dispelling, and cleansing.

(2) A reasonable lineup should have all three types of MetaElves, to avoid including too much MetaElves in one type.

(3) A certain type of MetaElf can be filtered directly above the MetaElf list.

4. Lineup Recommendations

¡ You can filter the skill characteristics of MetaElf at the top right of the MetaElf list, and find the one you want quickly.

¡ Click a MetaElf, you can also see its skill characteristics.

4.1. Antishock-Recovery Style

¡ Core skill: antishock (when it is attacked by an enemy, it causes damage to the enemy based on its own defense)

¡ Secondary skills: healing and recovery

· Lineup characteristics: it relies on its high defense of the MetaElves with antishock BUFF. When it is under attacked, it causes serious counter-attack damage to the enemy lineup at the same time, and then uses recovery skills to ensure its own lineup’s health.

¡ With advantage over crispy, high-speed, and control lineups.

¡ With disadvantage over dispel, defense-decreasing, treatment-prohibited, and poisoning lineups.

¡ Core MetaElves:

Snow Guard

Giant Snails

4.2. Silent-Output Style

¡ Core skill: silence (the silenced MetaElf can not use its skill)

¡ Secondary skills: coordinated attack, blitzkrieg and attack type MetaElf

¡ Lineup characteristics: it relies on striking the first blow with its silence skill, combining with the high output MetaElves or skills. So it can draw the heavy blood in the first round, or even directly cause the downsizing of the enemy lineup.

¡ With advantage over crispy, non-recovery, and BUFF lineups.

¡ With disadvantage over high-defense, breakout, and revival lineups.

¡ Core MetaElves:

Thunder Lightning

Hell Candle

4.3. Bombing-Poisoning Style

¡ Core skills: bombing and poisoning

¡ Lineup characteristics: it relies on the damage type BUFF. It can also cause damage to enemy at the time when enemy takes action. Multi-layer BUFF stack can cause serious damage, and even kill the enemy by applying poisoning before the enemy takes action.

¡ With advantage over high-defense, non-recovery, and antishock lineups.

¡ With disadvantage over breakout, cleansing, and recovery lineup.

¡ Core MetaElves:


Horned Boat Dragon

4.4. Intimidating-Vertigo Style

¡ Core skills: intimidating and vertigo

· Lineup characteristics: it relies on vertigo control and intimidating to decrease the enemy’s action, so that its enemy will be applied one-sided attack and cannot take any action.

¡ With advantage over slow lineup.

¡ With disadvantage over immune, high-defense, and high-speed lineups.

¡ Core MetaElves:

¡ Yak

¡ Giant Raccoon

4.5. Preeminent Skills

¡ There are a few rare skills in the arena every season that work well with any lineups.

¡ Resurrection: resurrects the MetaElves of those that have been killed in battle.

¡ Invincible: allows a MetaElf to remain unaffected by its opponent for several turns.

¡ Vampirism: allows a MetaElf to restore health based on the damage caused to its enemy.

¡ Dispel: clears BUFF on your opponent's MetaElf.

¡ Cleansing: dispels DEBUFF on your MetaElf.

5.BP Strategy

¡ First, based on the season MetaElf Pool, you determine your own lineups, and preferentially ban those MetaElves which will restrain your lineups.

· If you are unable to pick the lineups you want, you can choose to restrain your opponents’ MetaElves based on their characteristics, or just pick the MetaElves which your opponents would like, and break up their lineups.

¡ If you choose first, you preferentially ban the MetaElf which will restrain your lineup.

¡ If you choose later, you preferentially ban the MetaElf with strong power, such as those with rare skills, or light/dark attributes.

October 28, 2022

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