๐Ÿคนโ€โ™‚๏ธ$MELD Withdrawal Process

Step 1: enter the marketplace and click " My Wallet " in the upper right cornerโ€œ .

Step 2: click "Claim $MELD" on the left.

Step 3: click "Apply" next to the $MELD asset to withdraw the in-game $MELD.

Step 4: wait 48 hours after the withdrawal is completed, and return to this interface to claim $MELD to account immediately.

$MELT address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PancakeSwap trading links: https://pancakeswap.finance/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


1. The minimum amount of $MELD withdrawn by players each time is xxxx;

2. Wait 48 hours after each withdrawal;

3. The interval between two withdrawals is 48 hours, that is, players need to wait at least 48 hours to start another withdrawal since the last one;

4. After the waiting time for $MELD withdrawal, players need to return to the interface for $MELD claim๏ผ›

5. The above time is based on BNB network, which is calculated according to conventional block generation efficiency. However, when congestion occurs on the network, $MELD withdrawal will be delayed accordingly, please kindly wait patiently.

Last updated